AIM Supports Montgomery County’s “More Housing NOW” Bill
AIM supports the “More Housing NOW” bill, recently introduced in Montgomery County, which would increase our housing options and help reduce housing costs.
Consumer Protections for Renters Bill
AIM supports the "Consumer Protection for Renters" bill introduced by the Montgomery County Council, which would create stronger protections for renters against repeated housing code violations by landlords.
AIM Member Newsletter: Jan/ Feb 2025
As national changes are impacting our local communities, we at AIM are in solidarity with federal employees, immigrants, and others who are being targeted. We continue to strategically act together at the state and county level to create change for a more just society.
Climate Victory: Building Energy Performance Standards
On February 25, 2025, the Montgomery County Council unanimously voted to pass a new Building Energy Performance Standards (BEPS) law!
Annapolis Advocacy Day: Jan 30, 2025
On Thursday, January 30, 116 of us from the Maryland Just Power Alliance (AIM, ACT, and PATH) came to Annapolis to participate in our democracy!
Climate Justice Spotlight: NO2 Testing Team
AIM’s NO2 testing team is gaining recognition!
¡El equipo de pruebas de NO2 de AIM está ganando reconocimiento!
Statewide Action for a Just Democracy
On Sunday, November 17, 729 of us from ACT, PATH, and AIM gathered at St. John the Evangelist Church in Columbia for our Statewide Action for a Just Democracy!
Standing in Solidarity After the Election
At this time after the election, we know that our communities feel deeply divided and many of us are experiencing anxiety about what lies ahead.
AIM October Newsletter
This month, we held a successful 400-person with the County Executive and are organizing for a statewide action on November 17th!
AIM Fall Action: “Forging Our Future”
On Tuesday night, October 15th, over 400 of us packed the sanctuary at Colesville United Methodist Church to meet with County Executive Elrich and declare a vision that focuses on our children, our health, and our homes.
AIM September Newsletter
We’re taking action at the county and state level this fall! Here’s a recap of our recent work and a look ahead.
Pedestrian Safety at New Hampshire Estates Elementary
We are excited to announce that, thanks to the hard work of parents in AIM, the New Hampshire Estates Elementary School Safe Route to School Project started on Monday, September 16th!
AIM July Newsletter
Here’s a look back at what we did in July and a look ahead to our plans for the fall.
Campaña de seguridad en la Avenida Hewitt
El lunes 15 de julio, más de 70 residentes de Hewitt Avenue, incluyendo Westchester West, y las áreas circundantes se reunieron con la policía y funcionarios del condado para abordar los crecientes problemas en torno a la seguridad.
Hewitt Avenue Safety Campaign
On Monday, July 15th, over 70 residents of Hewitt Avenue, including Westchester West, and surrounding areas met with police and county officials to address growing problems around safety.
AIM June Newsletter
Happy summer, AIM! Here’s a recap of what we’ve accomplished this month.
AIM May Newsletter
Check out all we’ve accomplished this month, from Pre-K funding to tenant protections!