AIM October Newsletter

We’re taking action at the county and state level this fall! Here’s a recap of our recent work and a look ahead:

  1. AIM Fall Action Recap

  2. Climate Justice Spotlight: NO2 Testing Team

  3. Statewide Meeting Recap (Oct 22)

  4. Statewide Action (Nov 17)

  5. Staff Update

  1. AIM Fall Action Recap

On Tuesday night, October 15th, over 400 of us packed the sanctuary at Colesville United Methodist Church to meet with County Executive Elrich and declare a vision that focuses on our children, our health, and our homes. While we dream LONG term, we gather to ensure TIMELY steps are taken towards that dream! 

We thank those of you who have been volunteering and leading us for decades and we welcome those of you who are new! The youth in the sanctuary definitely stole the show. (Photo credits: David Choy)

Children, parents, congregation and community members filled the sanctuary to ask County Executive Elrich to commit to putting our children, health, and homes at the forefront of his budget this year. This action came out of months of community organizing and political meetings and is a follow-up from our Universal Pre-K action in March.

Thanks to our organizing, County Executive Elrich committed that he will:

  • Invest at least $5 million to create 200 new pre-K seats;
    Encourage cooperation between HHS and COA leading to a pre-K expansion plan with goals and targets;
    Indicate pre-K is a priority to State Delegates and Senators from Montgomery County;

  • Expand the afterschool program Excel Beyond the Bell to two additional schools, East Silver Spring and Waters Landing;

  • Fund a therapist and caseworker for students and families of Burnt Mills Elementary; 

  • Participate in a follow-up meeting with the developer of the Lake Forest Redevelopment to earnestly explore the site for a recreation center and also explore other sites.

Congratulations on your great work to make this happen!

2. Climate Justice Spotlight: NO2 Testing Team

AIM’s NO2 testing team is gaining recognition! Maryland Matters published an article this month about their work.

The team also received the “Climate Solutions for Congregations” award from Montgomery County for their environmental justice work.

A report will be published soon as a collaboration between Interfaith Power & Light, the Sierra Club, the Washington Interfaith Network and AIM about the findings of the NO2 testers and their allies in the DMV area.

Read more here.

3. Statewide Meeting Recap (Oct 22)

On Tuesday, October 22, 129 leaders from AIM, PATH, and ACT met on Zoom to commit to working together at the state level this year. During the meeting, we:

4. Statewide Action (Nov 17)

We’re gearing up for our Statewide Action on Sunday, November 17th from 3:00–5:00 pm at Wilde Lake Interfaith Center in Columbia!

Together as AIM, ACT, and PATH, we are bringing 500+ people to meet with our state legislators, Maryland Secretary of Housing, and Comptroller to put forth our agenda for the 2025 legislative session. We'll call on our state leaders to help us achieve our priorities, including:

  • Diverse, attainable housing options

  • Renters' rights

  • Clean energy for healthy communities

  • Pre-K for every child

Help us show our power to make change statewide!

Please register here and invite your congregation or community:

5. Staff Update

Katie Delaney, our Administration & Operations Director, had her last day with AIM on October 24th. We will miss her and wish her the best in her doctoral studies!

Support AIM’s work financially!


Standing in Solidarity After the Election


AIM Fall Action: “Forging Our Future”