Read the 2022-2025 AIM People's Agenda
Since Oct. 2021, AIM has conducted listening sessions with 1,500+ people who reside, worship, and work in Montgomery County. This agenda was formed by AIM leaders working in issue action teams to identify common themes in listening session stories, and how we can work together in 2022-2025 to address these issues.
La Puesta al Día de la campaña de escucha: Enero 2022
El 7 de octubre de 2021, doscientos líderes de AIM se reunieron en Zoom para tener una noche de comunidad y compromiso para comenzar nuestra Campaña de Escucha.
Listening Campaign Update: January 2022
On October 7, 2021, 200 AIM leaders joined together on Zoom for an evening of community and commitment to kick off our Listening Campaign. Since then, our congregations have listened to over 400 Montgomery County residents and counting, asking: what is getting in the way of you and your family thriving?
What is sodade, and how can it inform our listening sessions?
“It means longing. It’s a nostalgia. It’s a feeling so deep that it makes you want to do something about it.”