AIM Leader Testifies in Support of "Teardown Tax"

AIM leader and Montgomery County resident Bob Jones joined other AIM leaders in Rockville on Tuesday, December 3 to show our support of the Housing Impact Fairness Act, known colloquially as the "Teardown Tax."

Currently, new development in Montgomery County pays taxes to address the impact it has on the community in terms of affordable housing and school construction. However, in situations where a developer tears down a home and replaces it with a completely new home, the developer is not currently required to pay for its impact.

The Housing Impact Fairness Act as proposed will fix that loophole and hold developers accountable for the impact they make on communities, and will generate over $100 million toward affordable housing and school construction—two of AIM's top priorities—over the next 10 years.

As reported by local ABC affiliate WJLA 7,

Montgomery County resident Bob Jones joined [bill sponsor Council Member Evan] Glass on Tuesday night to show his support for the proposal. Jones shared the story of his 30-year-old daughter, who is living with Down syndrome and currently works three jobs just to make ends meet.

"Because she has an affordable unit and a housing voucher, with those three jobs and minimum wage, she can afford to live in this community," said Jones. "What affordable housing gives her is independence. And that's what everyone needs, the ability to live on your own."

A vote on the bill is not expected until 2020. AIM will continue to fight for expansion of affordable housing and funding for school construction in Montgomery County, and successful passage of the Housing Impact Fairness Act will result in revenue that will serve both of those priorities.


AIM Year-in-Review 2019


“It is in your hands to make a difference”