Upcoming events and actions.
Statewide Advocacy Days
Thurs, Jan 30, and Mon, Feb 17
Want to attend an event?
Want to volunteer to help at an event?
Want to let us know about an upcoming event?
Want to host an event?
Universal Pre-K Action
Meet with us to tell our Montgomery County councilmembers and executives we want them to expand pre-K for low-income families quickly, starting this year.
March 13 Statewide Advocacy Day & EmPOWER Rally
March 13 Statewide Advocacy Day & EmPOWER Rally
Universal Pre-K Action Rehearsal
We’ll prepare for our Universal Pre-K Action on March 17.
Hearing on SB481, Renter’s Rights and Stabilization Act
Hearing on SB481, Renter’s Rights and Stabilization Act
Hearing on SB484, Housing Expansion & Affordability Act
Hearing on SB484, Housing Expansion & Affordability Act
Feb 21: Statewide Advocacy Day on Housing, Health & Climate Equity
We will meet with State Senators and Delegates to support EmPOWER reform and other affordable housing, climate and health initiatives.
Hearing on HB693, Renter’s Rights and Stabilization Act
Hearing on HB693, Renter’s Rights and Stabilization Act
Hearing on HB538, Housing Expansion & Affordability Act
Hearing on HB538, Housing Expansion & Affordability Act
Hearing on SB481, Renter’s Rights and Stabilization Act and SB644, Just Cause Eviction
Hearing on SB481, Renter’s Rights and Stabilization Act and SB644, Just Cause Eviction
Action in Montgomery Countywide Meeting
Action in Montgomery Countywide Meeting, Thu, 2/15, 7-8:30pm
Prep for Statewide Advocacy Day in Annapolis
Join us as we prepare to advocate for climate justice, tenants’ rights, and housing equity legislation with our state legislators in Annapolis on February 21.
Capacitación en Español- La legislación sobre la justicia climática
Capacitación en Español- La legislación sobre las justicia climática, viernes, 9 feb, 4-5 pm
Annapolis Tour & Meeting with Senator Feldman
Annapolis Tour & Meeting with Senator Feldman
2024 Maryland Legislative Briefing with Interfaith Power & Light
Join our partners Interfaith Power and Light and others to discuss bills we support in the 2024 Maryland legislative session, including EmPOWER reform.
Training: State Housing Legislation #2
Training: Statewide Housing Legislation #2, Fri, 2/2 5-6 pm
Training: State Climate Legislation #2
Training: Statewide Climate Legislation #2, Fri, 2/2 12-1 pm