County Council Hearing on April 11th
AIM was more than 30 people strong at the County Council Hearing on April 11th.
Together we pushed for the Council to enact AIM’s People’s Agenda, including expanded early childhood education, affordable housing, tenants’ rights and accessible dental care.
Ms. Ana Argueta and Ms. Rosemary Lawson
Ms. Rosemary Lawson from St. Camillus Catholic Church shared the need for a bigger push from the county towards universal pre-k as well as dental access for low income families, starting with a pilot program for the Hewitt Avenue community. Watch Ms. Lawson’s testimony here.
Ms. Ana Argueta from Northwest Park Apartments urged the council members to support affordable housing and the dignity of tenants. This includes a designated tenants’ hotline in multiple languages for tenants to call and ask questions or express concerns, and a website where tenants can submit photographs and videos of housing concerns and be assured that they will be tracked and resolved in a timely manner.
As Ms. Argueta stated, “Vivimos en el lugar donde vivimos porque amamos nuestras escuelas donde los maestros aportan creatividad y alegría a la vida de nuestros hijos. Pero eso no significa que debamos vivir en la miseria.” (translation: We live where we live because we love our schools where teachers bring creativity and joy to our children's lives. But that doesn't mean we should live in misery.) These resources will allow tenant voices to be elevated and they be given dignity in their housing in this county. Watch Ms. Argueta’s testimony here.