Katie Delaney 

she / her / hers

Katie is a collaborator, facilitator, and life-long learner with 10 years of leadership experience in the nonprofit sector. Wearing multiple hats, Katie has worked as a volunteer tutor, yoga instructor, board member, program manager, and grants administrator spanning nonprofit organizations in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, California, Maryland, and Santiago, Chile. Across these contexts, Katie experienced the power of community leadership, collaboration, and innovation to disrupt the culture of competition, scarcity, and burnout that hinders the nonprofit field. She has explored these topics in her Master’s Degree in Leadership Studies from St. Mary’s College of California, and most recently, as an EdD candidate in Organization and Leadership at the University of San Francisco. Born and raised in Montgomery County, Katie joins AIM with a desire to draw upon her personal, professional and academic passions to support the amazing work of organizers and communities fighting for justice in our backyard.

Languages: Native English speaker, and Basic Proficiency in spanish
